Friday, December 13, 2019

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss: Common Causes

Androgentic Alopecia or Congenital Hereditary Hair Loss Hereditary

The most prevalent type of hair loss among women is female pattern thinning, known medically as androgentic alopecia (genetic, diffused hair loss) But there are many other reasons for women’s hair loss, including menopause-related hormonal imbalances post-partum stress related shedding, chemotherapy, and Alopecia Areata (spotty hair loss) Some hair loss actually self-induced. The use of harsh chemical relaxers or tight hair braiding can permanently damage the hair follicle.

Some Prescription Drugs May Induce Hair Loss

Between 4 million and 8 million women in America have varying degrees of tricholillomanla (chronic hair pulling), an obsessive-compulsive disorder that can cause permanent damage to the hair follicle.

Inadequate Diet

Specifically, too little protein over a prolonged period of time, seen in certain eating disorders and acute and chronic illnesses. To conserve proteins, the body will stop producing hair, causing people to lose hair in large clumps.


Many women experience hair loss later in life as a result of menopause. The onset of menopause causes a drop off in the production of estrogen. Without the presence of estrogen to produce testosterone blocking enzymes, testosterone can be freely converted to dihydro-testosterone (DHT), The result is a shorter hair growth cycle, finer hair, and shedding.

Alopecia Areata

Autoimmune disease where the bodies own immune system attacks the hair follicles. “In a clinical setting, I tell patients with autoimmune disease not to eat large amounts of food or supplements that have even mild immunity enhancing properties, such as Echinacea. Stimulating the immune system in these patients only enhances its ability to attack the body.”‘ Tony Longo, R.D. clinical dietitian and nutritionalist for the Providence Hospital system. Portland, Oregon. Sadly there are no known medical solutions for this condition.

Systemic or Local Disease

Have a hormone panel taken, see a dermatologist, and an endocrinologist. Get as many tests as possible and find out exactly what’s going on, internally.


Self inflicted excessive plucking of the eyebrows eyelashes and hair, stress being the biggest contributing cause. Therapy, Paxil, life coaching, acupuncture, and grafted non–surgical hair systems are common treatments.

Physical Trauma

Chemical, thermal, electrical burns, or an auto accident.

Medical or Surgical Treatments

Chemotherapy, radiation, removal of brain tumors, or face lifts.

Congenital Hair Loss

Female heredity hair loss — it’s usually permanent, influenced by levels of sex hormones.

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* This article was originally published here


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