Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hair Loss Statistics

Hair Loss Statistics

  • The average person has about 100,000 hairs on the scalp.
  • You will have had to lose about 50% of your hair before Hair loss becomes noticeable.
  • It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs from the head each day.
  • Scalp hair will grow at a rate of about 1cm, just under half an inch a month.
  • Each hair on the head grows for about 4-7 years before being shed.

Hair loss statistics

Don’t let these Hair loss statistics scare you. Although, hair defines many things for women-personality, attractiveness, success, and health, social status, and even family tradition. Hair loss in women has long been considered a taboo due to social stigma. It’s much more common than most people think – roughly 30 million adult women in North America are experiencing thinning hair and hair loss, and some 50% of all women do by age 50, The psychological effects for women can be devastating.

African and Caucasians are more prone to baldness than Asians, “Today the first person a thinning hair victim talks to, is likely to be their hair stylist. That’s why stylists are reaching out for more information, They’re now an important resource: the first line of defense against hair loss,’· Dr Shelley Friedman D.O.

The post Hair Loss Statistics appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss

Causes of hair loss:

Androgenetic alopecia is the scientific name for the genetic predisposition in both men and women for pattern baldness or pattern hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia is the cause of over 95% of all pattern hair loss, including baldness in men and thinning hair in women. Pattern hair loss occurs in somewhat predictable stages, and is relentlessly progressive. This means that those with pattern hair loss will, if they live long enough, eventually progress from the early stages of loss to the advanced stages. We all suffer hair loss; some people just arrive at the advance stages of hair loss sooner than others. Studies have shown that pattern loss is increasingly evident and advanced as people age.

Estrogens: Other hormones included in a class known as estrogens, can inhibit or counteract the follicle-shrinking effect of the androgens. Women generally have more estrogens circulating in their blood than men. As a result of this higher level of estrogens, even women having a genetic predisposition for pattern hair loss are protected from losing their hair because of the high level of estrogen in their blood.

Menopause: When these women reach menopause however, their estrogen level may decrease sufficiently, and the hair loss message may start to get through to the genetically programmed follicles. Their hair can begin to thin, sometimes dramatically.

Exposure Time, Not Hormone Quantity: The time period for exposure to DHT is a critical factor in pattern hair loss, and it can take many decades for some genetically programmed follicles to get the message to stop producing hairs. The specific way that time duration affects pattern hair loss is not completely understood. It is the genetically programmed receptiveness of the hair follicles, and an adequate amount of time, not the amount of hormones, that cause hair follicle shrinkage, and the hair thinning that results. People with thin hair have the same amount of testosterone as those with thick hair. The difference is in their hair follicle’s genetically programmed receptiveness to DHT. Even on the same person’s head, where all the follicles have the same exposure to hormones in the blood, some follicles are programmed to keep growing, while others begin to spend more time resting.

Genetic Program is the Cause: Pattern hair loss is not the result of “trapped hair follicles”, build-up of DHT, scalp oils, or anything else on the scalp, poor circulation, inadequate oxygen, constant stress, or inadequate nutrition. Pattern hair loss is simply the result of genetic programming of hair follicle cells and the exposure of the cells to hormones in the blood over a long period of time.

No Cure for Causes of Hair Loss; Only Treatments: At present there is not a cure for androgenetic alopecia. There is nothing that will stop the condition once and for all. There are however, many treatments for this form of hair loss, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Treatments and hair replacement are described in detail in other parts of this site. Some hair loss treatments for women are designed primarily to separate those with thin hair from their money, rather than restore hair.

The post Causes of hair loss appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 26, 2019

Two common types of hair systems available

common types of hair system


Two common types of hair systems available:

Stock Hair Systems

These are mass produced according to the most common color graduations and hair loss sizes. Because they are sold “as is” and off-the-shelf, they can be a very inexpensive way to buy. However, many people have a more unique (or larger) hair loss pattern than the standard horseshoe shape.

Custom Hair Systems

The obvious benefit to a custom system is the level of measurements that are taken for your specific size and pattern of hair loss. Getting an exact color match and organic graduation into your own natural growing hair is also an important detail to achieving an undetectable look

The post Two common types of hair systems available appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What is Alopecia and What Solutions are Available?

What is Alopecia and What Solutions are Available?


is a common autoimmune disorder that causes hair thinning and loss on the scalp and possibly the face. According to the the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, Alopecia areata “affects as many as 6.8 million people in the United States.” It’s not limited to a single age or gender, as it can affect people of all ages, men and women, and all ethnic groups.

As you saw in the video, Jeffrey Paul, founder of Wigs for Kids and Jeffrey Paul Hair & Scalp Specialists, applied a tailor-made, proprietary design that incorporates integration solutions that blend in new replacement hair with growing hair seamlessly and undetectably. And, in a case where hair is not available for blending (baldness), replacement hair is added into the new hair solution to give back the natural, age appropriate density or fullness to your hair. By utilizing Idrobenda Medical Adhesive Grade Strips to securely attach the hair system, it is enriched with colloidal silver to ensure both a gentle and strong hold for up to three weeks. In addition to this benefit, Idrobenda helps prevent bacteria, odors and melting down.

So, once the hair solution is in place, you can get back to living a full, active life without any discomfort or insecurites from hair thinning or loss. Because the hair solution is made of premium human hair, no activity, including swimming, washing or styling (blow dryers, flat irons, etc.), is off limits. It’s time to regain your life and self-esteem back to live the life that you were intended to live!

The post What is Alopecia and What Solutions are Available? appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 22, 2019

What Is Female Pattern Baldness?

What Is Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern hair loss effects 30 million women.

Understanding the hair growth cycle may help us to recognize when we may not have normal hair loss. Anagen is the first phase in hair growth.  In this phase, the hair grows at an average rate of one half inch per month from its follicle.  The anagen phase lasts two to six years.  

Next the resting phase, or telogen, begins. Telogen usually lasts three to four months.  

Towards the end of the telogen phase the hair falls out and new hair begins to grow in its place.  Typically, 85 percent of your hair is in the growth phase and the remaining 15 percent is in the resting phase.

 Losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is normal. A healthy scalp usually has around 100,000 hairs.

When the rate of shedding exceeds that of new growth, new growth is thinner than the hair that was shed, or shedding happens in patches, any of these situations may indicate androgenetic alopecia.

Let the compassionate professionals at Invisible Hair help you choose a human hair piece that will boost your self-esteem to face life with confidence.

What Is Female Pattern Baldness



The post What Is Female Pattern Baldness? appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hair Loss Facts

Hair Loss Facts

Hair Loss Facts


The American Academy of Dermatology has estimated that at least half the women in the U.S. will experience some form of hair loss by the time they are fifty. The problem typically falls into a few general categories.  One being telogen effluvium, it is described as generalized hair-shedding. It can occur in the months post-childbirth, after you stop birth control pills, or after a major emotional or physical trauma. Fortunately, in most cases it recedes within a year.

Another type of effluvium is brought on by medication or a medical problem, such as severe anemia, hormonal or endocrine abnormalities, or a thyroid disorder. Dermatologists will take a history, then order blood tests and maybe a scalp biopsy to determine the cause.

The third type of hair loss is female pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia. Women do not get large bald spots like men do, but if your hair is relentlessly thinning, your hairline is becoming more see-through and your part is growing wider – you’ve got FPB. It is genetic, and occurs with the plummeting estrogen levels related to menopause. Some women will opt to slow the progression of FPB with a topical solution minoxidil (Rogaine) which can take up to a year for results and is better for keeping what you have rather than replacing what you have lost.

The post Hair Loss Facts appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 19, 2019

Thyroid and Hair loss

What is a “thyroid disorder”?

Thyroid and Hairloss

Thyroid and hair loss disorders are fairly common. The hormones that are produced by this gland affects almost every part of your body – from your heart to your brain, to your muscles to your hair. A main cause of hair loss among women is subpar or low thyroid function. Other common symptoms of low thyroid function include cold hands and feet, yellow teeth, widely spaced teeth, depression, morning headaches, as well as other symptoms.

Severe and prolonged hypothyroidism (low) and hyperthyroidism (high) can cause hair loss. The hair loss is usually spread out through the entire scalp. The hair appears uniformly thin. Regrowth is usual with successful treatment of the thyroid disorder, though it will take several months of finding the right treatment and may be incomplete.

Some forms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism come on abruptly and fortunately are diagnosed early, while in other instances they have been present for months or years before diagnosis. Hair loss due to thyroid disease usually becomes apparent several months after the onset of thyroid disease. This is due to the hairs long life cycle. Because hair loss does not show as a symptom right away, people who start their thyroid treatment, may experience hair loss soon after and mistaken the loss as a symptom of their treatment, and in turn stop their treatment.


A good percentage of people with hypo- or hyper-thyroidism also have autoimmune thyroid disease. If a person has one autoimmune disease, they are more likely than others to develop other autoimmune conditions. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss that occurs in people with autoimmune thyroid disease more often than not. Unlike the types of all over hair loss described above, alopecia areata causes discrete, often circular, areas of hair loss. In most cases this stays confined to where it starts and does not progress, but unfortunately it can cause significant baldness.


Thankfully, with todays advanced technology, knowledge and education, there are many hair loss solutions to choose from. It is so important to be able to look and feel your best while you are going through life’s changes.


The post Thyroid and Hair loss appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tips For Dry Damaged Hair

girl with hair damageRepairing and Healing Dry or Damaged Hair

Tips for dry damaged hair  will fall
into two primary categories. One, the styling technique and procedure and two,
hair treatments and hair products to repair and heal hair that has been damaged from
over-styling, chemical treatments such as perms, relaxing or coloring, or
damage from environmental factors.

  • Avoid over-styling with flat irons or curling irons. Both have a tendency to kill  hair follicles  by
    overheating and destroy both hair moisture and nutrients.
  • Avoid perms and coloring if possible. The  number one cause of  hair damage we see in women  is color damage.
    Chemicals and coloring can kill the hair follicles and root. As we grow older nutrition delivery lessen and the shaft become more susceptible to damage.
  • Use your fingers or a wide-bodied comb when drying and maintain a proper distance between the nozzle of the dryer and your hair.
  • Repair and healing dry damaged hair requires adding hydration. Use root treatments designed to condition. Use spray-on, leave-in conditioners when styling to add protection
  • Conditioners enriched with Argan oil are the products we have found best to repair and heal dry or damage hair.
  • Dawn Harrison, owner of Invisible Hair Pieces, Extensions, and Human hair wigs.
  • Dawn has earned two U.S. Patents for inventing the “Invisible Hair Grafting”, which is a non-surgical method of attaching human hair pieces to women’s hair and skin.

The post Tips For Dry Damaged Hair appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Healthy Looking Hair


healthy hair



Healthy looking hair has a smooth, tightly closed cuticle layer that protects the inner cortex from drying out. The cuticle layer allows hair to maintain its moisture balance, and gives hair itselasticity, strength and shine. Hair Damage is a serious problem for many people. Hair damage can range from uplifted cuticle scales resulting in dullness and decreased shine to bubbled and brittle cuticles to complete removal of the cuticle layer.


Damaged hair is dry, porous, weak and hard to manage. Knots, tangles, back-combing and hair elastics can lift the cells of the cuticle layer, which can eventually lead to cortex exposure and hair breakage.
Too much heat can cause the water in hair to a boil. Hair dyes lift the cuticle so that the dyes can enter the cortex of the hair. The process can also dry out the hair. Ultra-violet rays of the sun breakingdown keratin and melanin in the cortex and cuticle of the hair.Wind tangles the hair and causes individual strands to rub together. This can cause enough friction to damage the cuticle layer, weakening the hair shaft and leading to breakage. Cold weather dries out hair more quickly because there is less
humidity in the air.


Damaged Hair Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. On a regular basis cut and trim damaged areas with split ends.

2. Use a  shampoo that is suitable for your hair type

3. Long hair needs regular conditioning to rejuvenate strands

4. Drink plenty of water for natural moisture to hair.

5. Eat a balanced diet, including multivitamins and protein in order to encourage the growth of hair.

6. Brush on Jojoba oil with a boar bristle brush at least once a week before washing your hair.

7. Exercise also helps stimulate blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles.

8. Avoid stressful situations that may prompt hair loss

Dawn Harrison, owner of Invisible Hair Pieces, Extensions, and Human hair wigs.

Dawn has earned two U.S. Patents for inventing the “Invisible Hair Grafting”, which is a non-surgical method of attaching human hair pieces to women’s hair and skin.






The post Healthy Looking Hair appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, July 12, 2019

12 Quick Tips to Keep Hair Frizz-Free

frizz-free hair

1. Don’t brush dry hair.
avoid brushing hair after it dries. Brushing not only disrupts your hair’s cuticle, it can also stretch
hair, leading to breakage.

  • Instead, towel dry hair after a shower; brushing, combing, or finger-combing it; adding a touch of your preferred
    conditioner or anti-frizz product, then just say no to styling with brush or

2. Comb dry hair with wet fingers

  •  If you shouldn’t brush, what can you do when humidity or a brisk day leaves your hair a frizzy mess?
    Water is the key,  “The problem with frizzy hair is that it’s dry. Water is a basic response to this basic problem.”
    wetting your hands, then finger-combing to tackle frizz and tame tangles.

3. Tame with a touch of conditioner.

To foil  frizz, water down a bit of hair conditioner, then using her hands to apply it to just the tips of her hair.
4. Look for protein in your conditioner

A protein-infused conditioner will not only help you manage frizz, it helps create shine, too.
5. Don’t over-process hair.

Relaxers and straighteners can make hair brittle and lead to breakage, so go easy on these products.
6. Put moisture back in your mane.

Frizzy hair tends to be drier, so you need to put moisture into it. Use a conditioner, a natural oil, or a frizz cream, says stylist  Natural oils are better than synthetic because they are absorbed into the hair, while synthetic
silicon moisturizers lay on top of the hair, making it appear dirty.
7. Stop ‘cooking’ your curls.

Anything that would blister your skin doesn’t feel so great on your hair either,”  To minimize frizz,  avoiding flat irons, curling irons, and limiting heat sources to a blow dryer with a diffuser.
8. Use a round brush to smooth your hair.

 If you spin a round brush through your hair as you blow dry it, it helps smooth the cuticles flat.
9. Dry only the roots of your hair.

To help reduce the chance of frizzy hair, blow dry  your roots only, it gives hair lift but helps you avoid drying out the hair shaft and hair tips.
10. Go alcohol-free.

Because alcohol can dry  hair out, setting you up for frizz, look for alcohol-free products. That may mean switching to       salon-quality shampoos, conditioners, and hairsprays. “Salon-quality products don’t have to last as long on the shelf,
so they don’t contain as many harsh ingredients — like alcohol — as supermarket and drug store products do.”
11. Fight afternoon frizz

by smoothing hair with a small amount of detangling spray, the kind made for baby hair.  Spray a smidge of it in your  hand and then smooth it down. It’s very lightweight and doesn’t make your hair look oily.”
12. Talk to your stylist.

If what you’re using works, use it, whether it’s a pricey product or a great drug store find. But if you want help in the fight against frizzy  hair, remember that your stylist is there to help and probably has a host of hints that’ll help keep you frizz-free from morning to night.


Dawn Harrison, owner of Invisible Hair Pieces, Extensions, and Human hair wigs.

Dawn has earned two U.S. Patents for inventing the “Invisible Hair Grafting”, which is a non-surgical method of attaching human hair pieces to women’s hair and skin.


The post 12 Quick Tips to Keep Hair Frizz-Free appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Our Patented Hair Grafting Attachment

Discover why our patented Hair Grafting attachment

will benefit you…


Q: Who is it for?

A Woman interested in a hair loss solution that remains attached 24/7 and guarantees a cosmetically significant increase in hair density. She is unsatisfied with removable hair additions, surgery, topical ointments, or laser light therapy.


Q: How is it done?

Hair grafting employs a skin like membrane that is non-surgically grafted to your scalp’s own layers of skin


Q: How long will Grafted Hair Additions Stay Attached?

Invisible Hair Additions can be worn attached to your scalp for 5-8 weeks at a time.


  • Non-surgically grafted hair systems: Allow you to wear your new hair 24/7. You wear it when you go to bed; you have it on when you wake up. You would shower and style your hair addition as if it were your own.
  • No Shaving required: We do NOT have to cut any of your natural hair, Grafted Hair Additions are designed to be attached directly on the scalp while maintaining clients existing hair.  Natural hair that is present does not hinder the attachment.
  • Undetectable to the touch or eye the Invisible Hair Additions are virtually undetectable. Even if someone were to run their fingers through their hair, it is unlikely that they would really feel or see the Addition or attachment site
  • Smooth/Seamless no seams, bumps, clips, Velcro, hooks, stays, braids,  knots,  wax or resin beads,  metal tubes, or soreness. Product lays completely flat making it very comfortable to wear and sleep while it is grafted
  • The look of growing hair: The Technique of attaching one single strand of hair at a time to a man-made skin replica gives the most convincing and natural appearance
  • Can be Grafted onto bare scalp: The skin replica can be grafted onto bare scalp to help customers experiencing conditions such as: alopecia areata, scarring, radiation, burn, trichotillamania. New advanced grafting technologies allow the skin based hair addition to be grafted directly onto balding areas surround by growing hair.
  • Can be re-used: You will be able to wear your grafted Hair Addition for multiple consecutive attachments.
  • Short Salon visits: Full head of hair restored in less than 3 hours.
  • 100% Human Hair: The most luxurious, tangle-free hair superior quality, luster, full body and exceptional long life.
  • 360º Pivotability: Hair flows freely in any direction. Can be parted or brushed from side to side. Hair pivots 360 degrees for the most natural looking hair and variety of styling capabilities.
  • Secure/Non Damaging: An air tight, water tight seal is created allowing 5-8 weeks of secure attachment. “Skin” base is adhered directly to client’s scalp. Hair will continue to grow out undamaged, in a resting position
  • Hair Grafting / Non-surgical: Semi-permanently attached to your skin using medically approved Hair Grafting Adhesive.
  • Skin to Skin: Grafted Invisible Hair Additions eliminate the limitations presented by traditional attachment methods.  You can have baby fine hair and/ or hair loss. Does not rely on attaching “Hair to Hair”; instead we attach “Skin to Skin”. Regardless of the extent of your hair loss.
  • Anywhere on the head: We can attach our “Growing Hair Replica” anywhere on the head.
  • Dimensional Color Combinations: Available in flattering personalized combinations.

The post Our Patented Hair Grafting Attachment appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 8, 2019

Your Are Beautiful !!!

you are beautiful san diego

Have you seen any of these “You Are Beautiful” stickers?  
Did you smile or even cry when you saw the wonderful message that is being spread worldwide?  
We are all beautiful!
Beauty is not in the clothes we wear or the home we live in. It is not in how we look or what we have. Certainly, when facing something as serious as cancer, or dealing with alopecia for a long time, you learn this very huge lesson…. You are beautiful!
So, if wearing a hair piece gives you more confidence to spread your inner beauty for all to see and feel, we at Invisible Hair would like to help you.  
Let’s start spreading the word…
You Are Beautiful…

The post Your Are Beautiful !!! appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, July 7, 2019

What are causes of hair loss?

  • There are many causes of scalp hair loss, and they do differ in men and women.  Studies show that losing up to 100-150 hairs per day is normal. Human hair naturally grows in three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the active or growing phase. Catagen is a fairly short phase of the natural hair cycle during which hairs begin to break down. Telogen is the resting phase. The hairs that are shed daily are often in the resting or late phase in the hair cycle. Normally, about 10% of the scalp hairs are in the resting or telogen phase at any time. These hairs are not growing and are getting prepared for cyclic shedding.
  • Most hair loss is not associated with systemic or internal disease, nor is poor diet a frequent factor. Hair may simply thin as a result of predetermined genetic factors, family history, and the overall aging process. Many men and women may notice a mild and often normal physiologic thinning of hair starting in their thirties and forties. Other times, normal life variations including temporary severe stress, nutritional changes, and hormonal changes like those in pregnancy, puberty, and menopause may cause a reversible hair loss.
  • Several health conditions, including thyroid disease and iron deficiencyanemia, can cause hair loss. While thyroid blood tests and other lab tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), on people who have ordinary hair loss are usually normal, it is important to exclude underlying causes in sudden or severe hair loss. If you are concerned about other underlying health issues, you may start by seeing your family physician for basic health screening.
  • Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in problems of skin, hair, and nails and may provide more advanced diagnosis and treatment of hair thinning and loss. Sometimes a scalp biopsy may be taken to help in diagnosis of severe or unexplained hair loss.
  • Many medications list “hair loss” as potential side effects. Drugs are also common causes of thinning or lost hair. On the other hand, with cancer treatments and immune suppression medications including chemotherapy, hair loss is a very common side effect. Complete hair loss often occurs after a course of major chemotherapy for cancer. Usually, hair regrows after six to 12 months.




The post What are causes of hair loss? appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Flatter Your Face Shape- Square


Square faces have a strong shape and nice bone structure! Your browbone, cheekbones and jaw tend to have equal width, so adding softness through cut and color can downplay harsh angles and create a flattering look.


Go for  both highlights and lowlights! Ask your Invisible Hair consultant to keep color deeper at the temples and place highlights at the cheekbones to add softness.


Keep your hair below your jaw or longer. Haircuts that stop at the jawline can make your face appear more squared-off.

Stay away from cuts with strong lines, such as blunt bangs or a bob—they’re just too angular. Instead, go for side-swept bangs, face-framing layers and romantic waves.


Choose scalloped collars, round or scoop necks, and deep V-necks. All of these necklines add softness to square faces.

Earrings with rounded shapes also help to soften angular faces. Try classic hoops or other curved styles.

Let us assist you in cutting and shaping your Human Hair Wig to enhance your natural beauty!

Dawn Harrison, owner of Invisible Hair Pieces, Extensions, and Human hair wigs.

Dawn has earned two U.S. Patents for inventing the “Invisible Hair Grafting”, which is a non-surgical method of attaching human hair pieces to women’s hair and skin.


The post Flatter Your Face Shape- Square appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Flatter Your Face Shape : Oval

fine lace wigs








Lucky oval! Your face is thought to be the ideal shape because it’s perfectly balanced.

Any haircolor placement will work! Have fun and ask your Invisible Hair Consultant about attention-getting colors like bold red or copper. Rich chocolate shades and platinum blonde will also have you turning heads. Your human hair wig can be colored to your taste in our color lab.

Most haircuts work well, but make sure to avoid disrupting your natural balance with a style that accentuates length.  We can shape your invisible hair system to enhance your beauty and lifestyle.

Plunging necklines, strapless designs and spaghetti straps all enhance oval faces. Since your face is in balance, you can also try fashion-forward styles such as eye- catching prints or shapes like bold shoulders.

Hoop earrings, chandeliers or teardrop styles look great with oval faces. Trendy statement necklaces flatter your face shape, too – just don’t go too chunky!

So have fun with your Invisible Hair piece, make it a part of your personal fashion statement and let us know if we can help you attain your lifestyle goals!

Dawn Harrison, owner of Invisible Hair Pieces, Extensions, and Human hair wigs.

Dawn has earned two U.S. Patents for inventing the “Invisible Hair Grafting”, which is a non-surgical method of attaching human hair pieces to women’s hair and skin.



The post Flatter Your Face Shape : Oval appeared first on InvisibleHair.com.

* This article was originally published here


[seopress_html_sitemap] The post index appeared first on InvisibleHair.com . * This article was originally published here